Thursday, October 18, 2018

What do you want in life?

What worries you? What keeps you awake at night? What disturbs your thoughts and persists in stopping you from reaching your true potential?

I got so tired of seeing marketing spam and the same tired marketing formula. You must have seen it! It often starts with a big question. Like How would $5,000 per week change your life? And then it will ask you to sign up for something FREE and when you get there you are told not top miss out on a huge discount and a wonderful opportunity!

Well, I'm going to unpick the hypnotic language in this type of marketing because it is designed to hit you on your big fear point! The reasons why you are awake worrying at night. You see, we are motivated more by fear than pleasure. The need to avoid pain is a much bigger incentive than the need to gain pleasure.

So if I ask you 'would you like to know how to stop worrying and get a good night's rest?' This will motivate your more than 'would you like to know how to make $10,000 a month within your first month after sign-up?'

As a hypnotherapist I can tell you with absolute certainty that you do not need hypnotising to life you life to it's fullest potential!

No, you actually need DE-HYPNOTISING! Yes, I'm sorry to tell you but the only reason your life is not already miraculous is because you are already hypnotised.

Almost all the choices you make have been affected by hidden commands and conditioning. The advertising you watch; the marketing on billboards and bus, the metro/tube, and online in every social media platform. The subtle (and often blatant) persuasion of hypnotic language is literally everywhere. It is inescapable. So I guess I am taking a stand. Keep watching, keep reading and reach out if you want to see how it all stops you from being real.

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