Thursday, October 11, 2018

Are you being sold empty promises?

When I spend even a few minutes on social media today I am instantly grabbed by the number of adverts and profiles that are selling/trying to sell a 'nothing' product. The first thing I see is the obvious marketing formula to appeal to your emotions. Get you hooked into thinking that they have something that you can only dream of having. Praying on your worst nightmares and then promising you that they will share their little known secret. Of course we react more to life through our emotional body than anything else so once your curiosity is piqued, you are half way to being sold an empty promise.

If you stop trying to emulate or copy the successes of others and just be yourself you will never need to face another empty promise again. You are the expert on you. Your skills, abilities and talents cannot be expressed anywhere near as perfectly by another. So why bother. You are already you. Effortlessly you. The ideas and worries; the anxieties and sleepless nights about being something other than you are the only thing stopping you from reaching your potential. What potential am I talking about? Well imagine if 90% of your effort is currently being wasted in trying to copy someone else's success strategy. Just imagine what you could be if you just started being yourself and stopped trying to be something more. This is when you potential is unlocked.

When you are kept awake at night because your mind is spinning about how to find more money or move into a career that will provide you with the happiness you seek, this is when you need some skills. This is the precise moment that you need to know how to sleep, to switch off and wake up the next day in a positive state of being. When did you last wake up and thank your life for being what you wanted it to be? We spend so much time over thinking or thinking about our thinking that we never have a moment to just rest in the natural state of effortless being.

Every thought is an electrical charge. That electrical charge will build the longer you spend time dwelling on it. If you don't know how to earth that charge it will stay in the body and cause and irritation, discomfort, disease or illness. Over time - many years, perhaps - you develop habits and mechanisms to help combat this dense build up of 'old' thoughts. You perhaps have a few drinks, after work to 'unwind'. Maybe you go to the gym and have a work out. If you are lucky a holiday a few times a year. A massage, some yoga, listen to music, watch the TV - whatever works, right?

And yet these are little more than band-aids. They are never solving the problem at hand. Which is actually just thinking. Einstein complained that 'just because i am not thinking about the moon, does not mean it doesn't exist'. But, for all intents and purposes that is exactly what I am saying. If you are not worrying about something then in your relative experience there is nothing to worry about.

In my previous work I helped sufferers of PTSD. The most significant tool I could offer was for my clients to develop the skill of not thinking. This would benefit you would't it? Because if it would then here's how you do it.

1.  Focus on your breathing.
2.  Stay with the breath. Feel the rise and fall of the belly or chest.
3.  Stay with the movement and feeling of breath entering and leaving the body.
4.  When you find you have got lost in thought - go back to number one and keep repeating until you feel comfortable.

Do this for just 10 - 15 minutes 2 to 3 time s a day. Then see how things change. See what not thinking does for your life. In all aspects.

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