Thursday, October 4, 2018

Achieving financial freedom

In a rapidly awakening world recognising wealth as just another aspect of energy is paramount when you are seeking financial liberation. But being awake enough to see that real wealth only exists as a concept and not money in the bank is also really important. Traditional investing models do not hold up to scrutiny and certainly cannot compete with crypto currency when it comes to making money in a volatile market.

The increasing value in Bitcoin, and lets not forget its been around for ten years, is evident in the trading volume. This in itself is not enough to suggest that it will be permanent - at least not in a traditional manner. There is simply not enough data. But volume is the greatest indication of stability and research proves that high volume means opportunities for growing wealth.

Take a look around and see who is supporting the blockchain and crypto world and you will see some very big names are throwing serious financial support behind crypto-currency. Indications must point towards a very bright future. But all investing is risky isn't it.

Getting involved with conscious wealth growing organisations is the key to being both awake and aware of your wealth growing potential. You must do the research and you must see the proof of what is achievable. Like many starting out in this Wild, Wild West, the Crypto gold rush is taking no prisoners. I, like many, have lost money to Ponzi schemes and have learnt some hard lessons. But these lessons were necessary for me to find the source of sustainable wealth creation with a conscious mindset.

If there are rules to follow then:

1. Keep hold of your money and trade yourself.
2. No third party or intermediate traders or companies.
3. There are no guaranteed ROI's.
4. Seek registered advice from an independent source.
5. Make sure the company or people you work with are insured or have the appropriate rights and privileges that they claim to have.

Now, if you can get through this, well done.

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