Saturday, January 16, 2016

The quantum Aspect

“About 80 years ago, scientists discovered that it is possible to be in two locations at the same time—at least for an atom or a subatomic particle, such as an electron. For such tiny objects, the world is governed by a madhouse set of physical laws known as quantum mechanics. At that size range, every bit of matter and energy exists in a state of blurry flux, allowing it to occupy not just two locations but an infinite number of them simultaneously.” (Discover Magazine)

People are still coming to terms with this discovery. In fact people have been trying to prove otherwise for the last 8 decades. For many the state of 'blurry flux' is their existence! And for good reason. If every particle in existence exists in an infinite number of locations, simultaneously, then it means we are literally infinite beings of limitless potential. At the same time it means that we can, and routinely do, shift through multiple dimensions of thought and being. Take sleep, for instance. Where exactly are you? In one lucid dream that I had, I was in a location that I was myself creating out of my consciousness-energy and experiencing with consciousness-senses that was so real as to seem more real than the waking life I normally experience.

Quantum physics shows us that electrons jump in 'zero-time' from one electron ring to another, without going through anything- they just appear in one spot, and then magically appear in a completely different location instantly. Science is close to proving the theory that each particle actually exists in the permanent state of flux wherein it is present and then it is not. It blinks in and out of existence. It has been suggested that the particle shifts between every potential reality (infinity) and is in fact just as solid in each of those realities as it is in this one.

What does that mean? That the universe we know is one of an infinite number of equally 'real' universes that exists simultaneously. Where does the energy for these universes come from? what supports them? what does this really mean for us? If this discovery isn't enough to send you screaming around the village square in your PJ's, what would you say if I told you that all you experience, and I mean ALL, is only ever experienced in your consciousness, that everything exists because of you and that nothing in existence can ever be external or separate from your consciousness!  Everything is energy. This energy has a source. And each of us is an individual aspect of this source. Each of us is manifesting the universe we see from our own energy and from a portion of our consciousness we experience existence as walking, talking organisms, in which we think we are.