Friday, August 14, 2015

What is the Higher Self?

Higher Self?

The term Higher Self is used as often now in spiritual/New Age circles as the word love. And in my reality is effectively means the same thing. It is not for instance a part of the ego, but it is rather the Ego, and it is the ID, and it is the I AM part of All That Is. The Higher Self is if you like the part of the Universe that is aware of itself as an individuated experience of Infinity. If there is a definable substance to Infinity it is Love.

The recognition of love as pure consciousness. 

Imagine that you were to take one of your cells, then extract a single an atom or even a neutron. That element has consciousness, but is not conscious of the whole (you). The Higher Self is the part of you that is conscious of the Universe and its relationship to it. The perfect human being is one that this level of awareness is present in all its atoms, elements etc.

Accessing the High Self is not always easy, despite what many psychics will claim. Not in a sense that you may want anyway. However, you can develop the intuition to hear, see or sense the motives of your Higher Self. Interrogation is the perfect gateway. Ask yourself simple questions to begin with. Things like what do you want me to do today? If you are relaxed and open to any kind of response then the first response is usually the answer.

"Today I got three clear thoughts, wait, decide and commit."
These themes have kept repeating through the day and today, has been very productive. I expect I have more to do yet, but being open to my inner guidance mechanism does provide a certain sense of liberation and freedom. During self-hypnosis I communicate by using Ideomotor signals. A finger on one hand provides a 'yes' response and on the other hand I have a 'no' finger. Maybe or do not want to answer responses can also be programmed in.  It does take time to build the confidence to trust the signals but some questions illicit very, very strong results. I went to a spiritual retreat in Glastonbury in May past. When I decided to go I asked myself if it was the best decision for me and my yes finger began rhythmic tapping. So there are levels of communication available when we begin to interrogate ourselves without judgement but with belief in the expectation of an answer.